Chiropractic Shown to Help Infants Suffering from Failure to Thrive

Recent research reported in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic indicates that chiropractic care may help infants who are failing to thrive. The study followed a 3-month old who was delivered by C-section and was suffering from failure to thrive, colic, GER and acid reflux.

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Is Your Nursing Posture Triggering a Stress Response?

Parenting an infant is hard. Add hormones, sleepless nights, returning to work, and a busy family schedule to the mix, and it’s no wonder moms often feel stressed out and overwhelmed. But what if there’s another factor causing moms to feel tense? In this case, we’re looking specifically at the relationship between your nursing posture and how it could be triggering a stress response.

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Chiropractic Provides Relief from Migraines and Chronic Pain

Recent research shows that people who suffer from chronic pain and migraines may find relief through chiropractic care. In the study, researchers followed a 52-year-old patient who had suffered from migraines and pain in her left arm and leg for over 20 years. Her pain was affecting her quality of life and sometimes sent her to the hospital for relief.

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The Fourth Trimester: Planning for Your Postpartum Recovery

When you find out you’re pregnant, you spend months learning about your baby’s development and taking care of yourself to give your baby a great start in life. It’s an exciting time, whether it’s your first baby or your third. But have you stopped to consider the fourth trimester? It’s the period after your baby’s birth, when your body needs some gentle care to heal and recover from pregnancy and birth. This guide about the fourth trimester is here to help!

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Why Chiropractic Care is Essential in Pregnancy

Every expecting mom wants their baby’s delivery to be a joyful, safe experience. It’s what our bodies are made to do, yet not every birth is without complications. Fortunately, caring for your body in a way that supports a natural, healthy birth will make it more likely that your pregnancy will be more comfortable and your birthing experience will be a peaceful one.

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The Beauty of Fathering During Pregnancy

“Babies in the womb want their fathers to know that you matter: Fathering from the very beginning matters. You are their special person, their father, and they know you are their father from preconception forward.”

Discover 12 guiding principles of prenatal and perinatal psychology to learn how you can connect deeply with your baby during pregnancy and in infancy.

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