Children raised with active fathers are more confident, achieve greater academic success, show fewer signs of depression, and are less likely to engage in unlawful behaviors. This is the Father Effect.
Read MoreSo often, self-care suggestions for moms are things like bubble baths and manicures, which are perfectly nice, but don’t really do more than offer a few minutes of solitude before re-entering the hectic world of parenting. Real self-care for moms involves more than an hour of relaxation; it’s learning behaviors and tools that support good mental and physical health and allow us to calm our stress.
Read MoreIf you’ve spent much time around kids, you know there’s no reasoning with a toddler who’s mid-tantrum or an older child who’s in the throes of overwhelm or worry. The same is true for adults! It’s hard to resolve a problem in the middle of an emotional storm. So what can you do to help calm someone who’s angry, anxious, or overwhelmed? Share the power of your stable nervous system.
It’s not as complicated as it sounds.
Read MoreWe’re all experiencing physical distancing differently. Some of us are enjoying a slower pace and having fun connecting more deeply with our families. Others can’t relate to “slower pace” at all, because they’re working, helping kids with schoolwork, keeping house, and cooking 382 meals a week. Others, still, feel both extremes, careening between boredom and overwhelm. And that’s all okay! No matter where you are on this emotional roller coaster, for Mother’s Day, try to slow down and enjoy your kids. It’s the best gift you could give yourself - and them!
Read MoreParenting an infant is hard. Add hormones, sleepless nights, returning to work, and a busy family schedule to the mix, and it’s no wonder moms often feel stressed out and overwhelmed. But what if there’s another factor causing moms to feel tense? In this case, we’re looking specifically at the relationship between your nursing posture and how it could be triggering a stress response.
Read MoreMoms set out with the best of intentions, but when breastfeeding difficulties arise, they often give up early, because they can’t find the support or solutions they need to successfully continue. Chiropractor Jeanne Ohm suggests that chiropractic care may be the missing link.
Read MoreAs parents, we may have clear ideas of what our family life should look like. But how often has your life ended up exactly as you imagined it would? Probably not very often! You can let go of those preconceived ideas of what being a good father looks like, and accept the ups and downs of what your real life looks like.
Read More“Babies in the womb want their fathers to know that you matter: Fathering from the very beginning matters. You are their special person, their father, and they know you are their father from preconception forward.”
Discover 12 guiding principles of prenatal and perinatal psychology to learn how you can connect deeply with your baby during pregnancy and in infancy.
Read MoreParenting today is a brave new frontier, filled with all kinds of new health threats. Food is filled with preservatives or covered in pesticides, our water is full of chemicals and pharmaceutical residue, and kids experience physical and emotional stress. So what’s a parent to do to help their kids find balance?
Read MoreAs an "old mom", my 60-year-old self is always amazed at what is available to parents raising kids these days. It sometimes seems as though everything from safety and health to food and nutrition has completely changed. Even welcoming in a New Year seems to have taken on a new focus.
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