Birth at Home, From a Father's Perspective

It’s important to realize that you should not be a spectator in this process, you should be a partner.

Women who want to have a natural birth, especially one at home, may not know how to start that conversation with their partner. However - and wherever - you choose to deliver your baby, it’s a decision to make together. Do your research, ask plenty of questions, and begin your parenting journey during pregnancy. You can also visit our blog to learn more about home midwifery to see if it’s the right choice for you.

Going through pregnancy as a partnership gets your new family off to a great start.

If you’re soon to be a father, you may have worries and fears about an out-of-hospital birth, or about working with a midwife instead of an obstetrician. You’re not alone! A recent article in Pathways to Wellness, A Father’s Perspective: the Journey from Hospital to Home, includes an interview with a dad who shares his story about the decision to have their baby at home with a midwife. At first, he thought a hospital was the best option, but he listened to his wife’s feelings and concerns, met with the OB and the midwife, and became a supportive partner in the pregnancy and delivery of their baby. Read the full article to learn more about his perspective and what changed his mind.

Regardless of what you and your partner decide, you don’t have be a spectator. Instead, you can be an active, supporting participant in her pregnancy and in the birth of your child. You may also be interested in The Beauty of Fathering During Pregnancy to discover ways to bond with your baby, even before she’s born.

Source: Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, Issue #50.


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