Expert tips, tools, and education to bring your family’s health into balance.
Midwife and/or OBGYN?
While expectant mothers are faced with a myriad of decisions while pregnant, one of the most essential decisions to make is who to choose as a health care provider for your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum care. This choice - midwife, OBGYN, or both - depends largely on what type of experience you want.
Pregnant? Now What??
Learning you are pregnant can unleash a myriad of emotions. But, once the initial joy and happiness begins to subside, you may find yourself feeling a slight sense of panic as you try to figure out exactly what to do.
Pregnancy and Painting
While many things about pregnancy are not fun, one of the high points can be planning and decorating the nursery. Often this will require painting (or repainting) a room to achieve the perfect backdrop for baby’s retreat. But you may wonder if it's safe to paint while you're pregnant. The answer, depending on the circumstances is actually “Yes” and “No.”
Doula or Don’t Ya?
Before answering the question above, you probably need to know what a doula is and why you might want to work with one. We'll help you understand what a doula is and exactly why you want to consider one for your pregnancy and delivery.
Get With The Plan, Man (I Mean Mom)
Once you find out you are pregnant, you are faced with SO many decisions regarding your labor and delivery options. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, you may want to consider compiling a birth plan. A birth plan is simply an outline or summary of your preferences for labor and delivery.
A Mother’s Heart
You will hear many expectant mothers claim that their hearts are full. Of course, we assume these women are referring to the love they have for their anticipated baby. And, in almost every case, we assume correctly.
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