Midwife and/or OBGYN?

While expectant mothers are faced with a myriad of decisions while pregnant, one of the most essential decisions to make is who to choose as a health care provider for your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum care.  This choice - midwife, OBGYN, or both - depends largely on what type of experience you want. 

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In the 1970’s, savvy expectant moms prepared for the birth of their babies by attending “Childbirth Classes.”  These classes were usually offered by area hospitals to pregnant women in their last trimester of pregnancy and taught by experienced OB and maternity nursing staff.  Countless women waddled into community centers with their pillows and partners in tow to learn what to expect during the hospital delivery of their child.  

Today, there are many more options for a women to explore as she writes her birth plan and prepares for pregnancy, labor and delivery.  Below are brief descriptions of four popular birth preparation techniques.

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Pregnancy and Painting

While many things about pregnancy are not fun, one of the high points can be planning and decorating the nursery. Often this will require painting (or repainting) a room to achieve the perfect backdrop for baby’s retreat. But you may wonder if it's safe to paint while you're pregnant. The answer, depending on the circumstances is actually “Yes” and “No.”

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5 Breastfeeding Tips for Mom

Breastfeeding is a different experience for every new mother, and every woman’s body is unique in its own beautiful way. Natural breast milk is the most nutritious option for your baby, and it ensures that your little one is getting all of the vitamins and nutrients he/she needs. Providing a constant milk supply, however, can be difficult for some moms.

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