Chiropractic and C-Section

Most expectant mothers seek out the best advice and strongest information on every aspect of their pregnancies.  They choose their caregivers, consider their diet and exercise routines, and do all in their power to ensure a safe and healthy labor and delivery.  With the rate of Cesarean sections performed in the US now nearing 33%, every mother also ponders the possibility of surgical delivery.

Studies are now showing that consistent chiropractic care during pregnancy can help avoid having a C-section.  Choosing a chiropractor who is specially trained in the Webster technique is the key.  The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment used to facilitate balance and improve function in an expectant woman’s pelvis.  Balancing the pelvis and normalizing its function may alleviate tense muscles and ligaments that can prevent the baby from assuming the best position in the womb.

The ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) says the Webster technique is emerging as a safe, effective and non-invasive way for safer, easier births.  It is recommended that women receive chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy to create pelvic neuro-biomechanical function.

Specific chiropractic care can also assist a woman during labor.  A labor that will not start, or starts and stops, or does not progress may be caused by a subluxation (spinal misalignment) in the mother.  Because of this subluxation, a baby cannot get into the optimal position for birth.  It was reported by the Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics that studies show an 82% success rate of babies turning to optimal position when doctors of chiropractic use the Webster technique.

As an additional positive incentive, studies have also indicated that first-time moms receiving chiropractic care deliver their babies on average of 22% faster than those who have not received care.  And mothers who received chiropractic care during subsequent births, delivered as much as 37% faster.

While all expectant mothers naturally worry about providing the very best for their babies, it is reassuring to know that your friendly chiropractor using the Webster technique can have a positive influence on the healthy delivery of your new baby.

More information on Chiropractic care during pregnancy and the use of the Webster technique to avoid C-sections may be found at:


Confessions of an Old Mom - It’s All “Gym” Dandy
