You may not be the one feeding your baby, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bond with your child and be an active supporter of breastfeeding. Here, we discuss 5 ways dads can support breastfeeding moms. Please note that this isn’t exclusive to dads! Partners of any sex, relatives, and friends can also support and normalize breastfeeding.
Read MoreChildren raised with active fathers are more confident, achieve greater academic success, show fewer signs of depression, and are less likely to engage in unlawful behaviors. This is the Father Effect.
Read MoreAs parents, we may have clear ideas of what our family life should look like. But how often has your life ended up exactly as you imagined it would? Probably not very often! You can let go of those preconceived ideas of what being a good father looks like, and accept the ups and downs of what your real life looks like.
Read MoreWomen who want to have a natural birth, especially one at home, may not know how to start that conversation with their partner. However - and wherever - you choose to deliver your baby, it’s a decision to make together.
Read More“Babies in the womb want their fathers to know that you matter: Fathering from the very beginning matters. You are their special person, their father, and they know you are their father from preconception forward.”
Discover 12 guiding principles of prenatal and perinatal psychology to learn how you can connect deeply with your baby during pregnancy and in infancy.
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