Be - And Take - An Angel

Inspire Chiropractic is proud to be a sponsor of the Salvation Army’s 2016 “Angel Tree” program.  In fact, this is the third holiday season that we have provided space for an Angel Tree in our office. The tree includes informational tags representing children or “angels” (both younger and older) who need help from the community to achieve a Merry Christmas.  To help, you simply come into the office, choose an angel tag from the tree, write down your name and the tag ID info.  The tag includes ideas of wants and needs for each “angel”.  After you have the gifts for your “angel”, just return them to Inspire Chiropractic by the first week in December.  The Salvation Army will then be sure your gifts are shared with your “angel”. It is easy and means SO much to area families during this holiday season.  And, you can enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are participating in an effort that will assist 3900 “angels” in the Chattanooga – Cleveland area this year!

So, why should you do this?  Mainly because it is the right thing to do, AND it makes you feel good!  It has been proven that giving, in concern for the well-being of others, improves both our physical and psychological health.  Giving releases “feel-good” endorphins which activate regions in the brain associated with pleasure.  These types of endorphins are the same ones associated with the “high” experienced by many runners.  Giving also releases Oxytocin into your body which has been shown to reduce stress.  A 2006 study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology showed that giving can also lower blood pressure, increase self-esteem and even reduce depression.

Looking at the bigger picture, the social value of giving has been recognized throughout history.  Studies by the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found people experienced the greatest happiness when their gift fosters a social connection. In many cultures status is measured, not by who possesses the most, but by who gives away the most. Harvard Psychology Professor Dr. Ellen J. Langer says that giving to others makes us feel effective and caring.  Similarly, a 2010 worldwide Harvard Business School survey of 136 countries determined that people who donated to charity reported greater satisfaction in their lives.

And, it does not end with your generosity. Studies also show that recipients of kindness generally want to keep “paying it forward”.  So, your one act of kindness can inspire several more.  Even people who simply hear about an act of generosity may want to also give, creating a domino effect of giving!

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.”  Now is the time for you to join Inspire Chiropractic and the Salvation Army in making your life better by giving to the “Angel Tree” program.  See you soon!


Thank You Chattanooga


Helping Your Kids "Fall Back"