School's Out, but Our Bodies Keep Working

School may be out for summer, but despite the break, our bodies keep working. Many of us get to enjoy a reprieve from the usual school routine and all the activities that go with it. But not everyone gets the break - and our bodies never do! Some parts of our bodies keeping working, never taking breaks or resting.

One of those body parts is the heart. It stays busy pumping blood to your organs and cells, all day and night, like that pink bunny on the battery commercials that never quits. Likewise, your kidneys keep working. They constantly filter the blood your heart is pumping. Your kidneys filter about a liter of blood per minute!

The next body part that works without ceasing is really two organs: your lungs! You never stop breathing, so your lungs never stop allowing you to breathe oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.

Your ears and nose are two more organs that keep working, all the time. You may not realize it, but they’re hearing and smelling, even when you’re asleep. (It’s also pretty cool that our brains help to filter out some sensory input to help us rest.)

And that brings us to your brain! It’s constantly buzzing with activity, sending and receiving signals throughout your nervous system, and therefore, your entire body. When your nervous system isn’t working at its best, your other organs don’t work as effectively. Your nervous system is the central command center for your body, and it’s so important that most of it is protected by the bones in your skull and spine. This is why proper spine alignment is so important! Vertebral subluxation can keep your nervous system - and whole body - from working at its best.

See also: Give Your Nervous System a Boost for Improved Performance

So, school may be out, but your body will keep working hard all summer. Visit your chiropractor to give your nervous system a boost.

Learn more in our blog, How Chiropractic Adjustments Improve Body Function.

Read more from ICPA, School’s Out for Summer!


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