Research Shows Chiropractic Can Ease Suffering from Migraines

Sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, and throbbing pain that can last for days - these are some symptoms of migraines. These headaches can stop your daily routine in its tracks.

New research shows chiropractic can ease suffering from migraines, offering another tool to combat the pain. The study, published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, shows that chiropractic may play an important role in helping patients with chronic migraines.

The study followed a woman who had suffered from migraines for 12 years. She had the headaches several times a week, and they sometimes left her bedridden for days, unable to care for her family or her own basic needs. Medications didn’t help.

What did help was chiropractic care. Her chiropractor discovered structural shifts in her upper neck, which can lead to subluxations. She also had changes to her posture, along with tight muscles in her neck and upper back. The chiropractor confirmed these findings with X-rays and other tests before starting upper cervical treatment.

. . . We are finding that correcting the structural abnormalities associated with these spinal problems reduces the nerve obstructions and people experience improvement.
— Dr. Matthew McCoy, chiropractor and public health researcher

She had improved range of motion after one adjustment, and after three months of chiropractic care, her migraines went away completely.

If you suffer from migraines, consider chiropractic care for addressing structural shifts that may be causing your pain.

Learn more in Chiropractic Provides Relief from Migraines and Chronic Pain.


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