Day 1: You are not alone

What you will need for the next 30 days is a journal or a notebook and a pen to write down your thoughts. I’ve also done this challenge on my phone and kept notes on my phone but for me, there is something that paper and pen can’t replace. The first thing you will do in your journal is write the mantra or quote of the day on the top of the page. After today, you will re-read the previous day(s) before starting on the current day. Next, you will do the daily inspiration or “challenge”. At the end of each day, you will write “Thank you for everything today!”

I promise not to flood your email inbox with an email everyday. Follow along in the Instagram Stories or here on the blog for the 30 Days of Gratitude. I will send biweekly emails to check in.

I am enough, I am loved, and I am not alone – your mantra for today and every day.

I know this Easter, Passover, and Resurrection Day season is different than most and though it may seem that we are alone and separated from our family and friends. We are together in spirit.

We so often have conversations with ourselves and others about what is lacking, missing, or not enough in our lives. I hope you take the time today to reach out via zoom, Facetime, a phone call, to a family member or friend and love on them today.

Journal: Write down 3 people who you are thankful for, “I am thankful for (insert name) because of…” (list 3 things about them).

And remember to end the page with “Thank you for everything today!”

Health & Happiness,
Dr. Becky :)


Day 2: Alignment of Soul Purpose


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