Study Shows Chiropractic Relieves Reflux Symptoms in Infants
Is reflux keeping your baby up at night or causing her to vomit or spit up frequently? Reflux is a common problem for babies, and the pain, sleeplessness and discomfort it causes can be hard on the whole family. If nothing you have tried is helping, consider chiropractic. Recent research shows chiropractic care may reduce or eliminate gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in infants.
The study, reported in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, followed a 9-week-old baby who experienced severe reflux symptoms. He wasn’t sleeping well, had sinus congestion, vomited frequently, and had trouble being placed on his back. He had trouble keeping down breastmilk, and prescription medications weren’t helping.
Related: Chiropractic as a Solution for Breastfeeding Difficulties
A chiropractor discovered that the infant had tight muscles in his neck and changes to his posture, due to subluxations in his upper neck.
After a single chiropractic adjustment, he saw immediate improvement. The infant slept 6 hours the first night with no symptoms, 7 hours the next night, and 9 hours the next. According to his mother, all his reflux symptoms ceased, so he was able to stop all medications.
If your infant is suffering from reflux, contact us to see if chiropractic care can improve his nerve function and ease symptoms of reflux.