Want to Feel Better? Spend Time Outdoors!

Have you ever noticed that walking your dog, walking to lunch, or watching the leaves flutter in the wind makes you feel better? Ecopsychology studies the relationship between humans and nature, and it’s no surprise that harmony with nature helps reduce stress and aids in relaxation. But did you know that immersion in nature also benefits our physical health?

Studies show that spending a minimum of two hours a week in tune with nature improves health and psychological well-being. It only takes 120 minutes per week - or just over 17 minutes a day - to feel better!

It’s well-known that getting outdoors in nature can be good for people’s health and well-being, but until now we’ve not been able to say how much is enough. Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can be spread over an entire week to get the benefit.
— Mathew White, European Centre for Environment & Human Health, University of Exeter

Deepening your relationship with nature can:

  • lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels

  • boost your immune system

  • reduce anxiety

  • and improve your mood.

Additionally, an increasing number of employers and healthcare providers are embracing a back-to-nature approach.

The ways to embrace nature are immeasurable. Take a walk through your neighborhood, join a garden club or explore one of our city’s many hiking trails - whether you want to walk, run or mountain bike, Chattanooga has an abundance of trails for all skill levels. Whatever activity calls to you, it just takes two hours a week to feel the benefits.

Learn more about the benefits of immersion in nature, then head to a green space and enjoy some time outdoors. While you’re at it, send your kids outside for some unstructured play. They’ll get a double-dose of well-being from free play and time spent outdoors.


Healthy Recipe: Winter Vegetable Soup


Help Your Kids Thrive with Unstructured Play