Understanding Disease, Stress and Your Health

If your nervous system is the information highway that keeps your body functioning, it makes sense that your overall health will be better when your nervous system is performing at its best. During flu season, it pays to understand disease, stress and your health.

Related: Can Chiropractic Improve How the Body Handles Stress?

You can improve your health and your body’s resilience by paying attention to two kinds of stress: distress and eustress. Distress leads to disease and illness, while eustress builds resilience. Eustress is the kind of stress that builds character and resilience; it’s experiencing challenges like grief or failure, then learning how to recover.

Distress, on the other hand, is more negative stress that’s harmful in nature and can lead to illness and disease. Our nervous systems are designed to recover from stressors, but our culture leads us toward isolation and fear. When you recognize this, you’re better able to adapt to stress and reconnect with the natural source of your health.

Chiropractic is about supporting the ideal conditions for the nervous system to overcome stress.

Support your body’s ability to adapt to stressors and experience better health through chiropractic care. Learn more about how chiropractic adjustments improve body function.

Source: Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, Issue #63.


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