Clinical Study Shows Chiropractic Can Help With Balance and Stability
Recent research published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research showed that every patient in a clinical study showed improvement in their posture after just one chiropractic adjustment to correct misalignments.
“Research is revealing that there is a relationship between structural abnormalities in the spine, the nervous system and brain” stated Dr. Matthew McCoy, a chiropractor, public health researcher and editor of the journal that published the study.
“Basic science research shows that the proper functioning of the brain and its ability to coordinate movement, and balance relies on proper structure and movement of the spine from an early age.”
In the study, nine patients were X-rayed, and all them had subluxations in their necks. The patients’ balance was also tested using posturography. Each was then adjusted to reduce their upper neck subluxations.
After just one adjustment, every patient in the study improved their balance and stability, and X-rays showed reductions in their subluxations.
“It makes perfect sense when you think about it,” stated Dr. McCoy. “Coordination and balance disorders may be related to how the entire body communicates with the brain; the most critical area for this is the spine, and the most critical area of the spine is the upper part of the neck.”
This research may prove especially important to the elderly, since falls are the leading cause of death from injury for people aged 65 and older.